Thursday, March 5, 2009

3lbs 3oz!

My little man is doing wonderfully. I couldn't be happier! Last night when I was at the NICU he was weighed at 1450grams, 3lbs 3oz. YAY! He really did gain a full 30 grams in a day! Right now, he's doing an oz a day, and I hope he keeps it up! And yes, we weighed him AFTER I changed his poopy diaper!

Other things - they're letting me ACTUALLY breastfeed him now. He was having some trouble with it - he was latching on but then pulling away frustrated. The lactation consultant came by to see me and gave me a nipple shield - WHOA did that make a difference. Trig is breastfeeding like a champ now, I couldn't be more proud. It's like he was saying, THIS is what I needed! Haha. Now I REALLY need to read that breastfeeding book!

I'm usually there 3 times a day - I get up and go for his 9am feeding to breastfeed him, and I kangaroo care him when he's done. Then I pump and go home for a bit to eat and take care of some things, and MAYBE a nap. Just maybe. Not likely haha. Then I go back for his 3pm feeding - I don't get to breastfeed him at that one but I hold him while he gets his feeding in his NG tube. Then I pump and go home again for dinner, and I come back at 8pm after the shift change. Cindy and Ronnie usually come with me then, too, and they see him between 8 and 9 and then I feed him at 9. When he falls asleep after his feeding, I hold him until I need to pump, then I pump, go home, and go to bed. So my life consists of pumping and being with my baby Trig. :)

My time with him is incredible. It really is. He's just beautiful and I cannot believe that he's mine! I just can't believe it! I can't believe that I could be so lucky!

Yesterday was an eventful day - in the morning, I fed him and like I said, he learned to feed like a champ with the nipple shield. Then, when he was done, he yanked out his NG tube while I was holding him! He got hold of the tube and pulled, and the tape holding it in place wasn't sticky anymore, so it slid right out! Then they had to put it back in, and my poor little baby didn't like that so much :(. He also had an eye exam, which I wasn't there for (which I hear is good because they don't really like those exams) and it was NORMAL! I thought it would be because I get the sense that he sees a lot - he follows me with his eyes and certainly squints at bright light. Still, it's good to hear that things are normal and that things are looking good inside of his eyes as well.

Daddy is coming this weekend, too! I am so excited. And, he'll be here for a longer time - getting in at noon or so on Friday and not leaving until Monday morning. I am soooo happy. I absolutely cannot wait until we're together all the time again. This living apart thing sucks. I thought it was awful when I was pregnant, but it's even worse now that Trig is here.

Okay, gotta finish pumping and get to see my little man!

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