Wednesday, February 10, 2010

ALMOST 1!!!!

So Trig is ALMOST 1 year old now. He's less than a week away. I can't believe it. I think back to last year at this time and I had no idea I was near the time that Trig would be born. I remember watching the Superbowl (though I was much more interested in the commercials and the Puppy Bowl), just over 30 weeks pregnant, thinking, wow, I've made it to 30 weeks, maybe I will go full term? That didn't happen. But, it was very good that we did make it to 32 weeks.

So were do we stand at 1 year? Well, it looks like walking isn't going to happen by 1 year. Not that I expected it with him being born 2 months early. I'm happy where he's at, personally - trust me, he gets around VERY fast and I can't imagine what it will be like when he's walking around. He is, however, cruising around the place. He's just not all that interested in standing on his own. He thinks crawling and pulling up are way too much fun.

He's got just about 8 teeth - the one on the top right is coming in now. So he's got lots of chompers to eat food! Still, he'd rather drink his bottles and he's a bit of a picky eater (see previous post). He hates the confinement of the high chair though it is a necessary evil - if he weren't in the high chair, there would be food ALL over the house, no doubt. He is very messy when he eats. He likes to squeeze food between his hands to see what it feels like, throw it to see what Mommy and Daddy will do, hit an incoming spoon full of puree, etc. I will say, though, that if he sees Mommy and Daddy eating something, he will eat it. But he cannot be fooled if we're not really eating it. He's a smart little boy!

Well, his 1st birthday party is coming up on February 20th in San Antonio. Those of you that can, we hope you come! It's going to be a blast. We just want to do something to celebrate this little man's first year of life.

More to come from his birthday!


Melanie said...

Trig has a reason to not be walking at 1 - he was born early. Gabriel just couldn't be bothered. He started walking at 15 months! He crawled for 8 months and once he started walking, it was not very different than when he crawled because he was such a FAST mover. Can't wait to see the pictures from his party!

andrea said...

happy almost birthday, little guy!!