Wednesday, February 17, 2010

1 year stats

So Triggy had his 1 year pediatrician appointment today and here are the stats:

Weight 16lbs 10oz (less than 3rd percentile for his age and adjusted age)

Height 27.75 inches (5th percentile for his age and 10-25th for his adjusted age)

Head Circumference 45.5cm (25th percentile for his age and 50th for adjusted age)

Pediatrician isn't worried about his weight - she said that he will catch up at some point. She said she'd be more worried if he weren't growing but he is (obviously). I am frustrated that he doesn't weigh more but the kid just doesn't like to eat all that much. She did refer Trig for a dietary consult due to him being a "picky eater" so I need to make that appointment at Akron Children's Hospital.

Personally, I am ECSTATIC that he is on the chart for height. That is SO awesome to me, I am so proud :) Of course I am disappointed in the weight but at least my little man is getting tall!!! I didn't think we'd make the chart in anything (well, except for his giant noggin, of course).

In other news, the poor little man has pinkeye. I just feel so bad for him, it's just making him miserable. The doc gave him eyedrops, though, so hopefully those will start to help him quickly. His first real illness besides the reflux, of course, so we actually made it to 1 year without a sick visit but not much past that haha.

Just a few days ago, Trig finally started really babbling. He mostly says DADADADADA and YAYAYAYAYA. Right now, everything is DADA, except when he's really whining or crying, and you can distinctly hear him crying for his MAMA. But only when he's crying! Silly boy! No milestone that he has hit yet has made me as happy as hearing him babble. I can't wait to get it on video, it's the cutest and sweetest thing I have EVER heard.

So we're getting ready to head to San Antonio early on Friday morning for Triggy's birthday party on Saturday and we're so excited!

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