Sunday, March 14, 2010

Doing better!

I just wanted to post quickly and say that Trig is doing much much better. Almost himself! AND he is eating like crazy. Unfortunately, he has taken to waking at night to eat again. I chalk that up to the fact that he didn't eat for a week but I sure do hope that it stops at some time soon.

He had a checkup with the pediatrician on Thursday and he weighed 17lbs 10oz - yay!!! Also wanted to mention that they measured him in the hospital at 28.5 inches so that's like 3/4 of an inch longer than at his 1 year checkup. I'm thinking that whoever did his height and weight that day must have been WAY stingy.

So he's doing okay now except we're going to continue to watch the ears. There's still lots of fluid in them and we've got to make sure that resolves.

In other news, he has the meanest most awful diaper rash ever! Well, not really, but he certainly is in pain. His little bottom is so red and he cries when he poops. So, we've been letting him run around without a diaper to dry it out and just cleaning up the mess when it happens, it's crazy how much that boy pees! It seems to be helping. Also, Baker went out and got every diaper rash cream known to man. First up - Triple Paste. We'll see how that works!

1 comment:

Melanie said...

Boudreaux's Butt Paste is really good. So is Mustela Vitamin Barrier. Actually, I'd recommend using BOTH of those together.