Trig had his 15 month checkup recently:
Weight - 18lbs 10oz
Height - 29 inches
We were a bit disappointed in the stats. He's in the 3rd percentile for height but several pounds below the chart for weight. He was also referred for Early Childhood Intervention services due to the fact that he is a bit behind developmentally. He really has been on par with his peers up until 12 months at which point he seems to have fallen off a bit. We'll see what the interventionists have to say in a few weeks at his assessment. Personally, I think it's a good thing for him to be assessed and I'm thinking that they'll be able to help me with his eating issues as well.
So in other news, with permission from my doctor due to the VERY large amount of support and help I would receive while there, we traveled to Rockport, TX for a family vacation. Baker, Triggy and I went down a night before everyone else to get settled and spend some time together. Then the craziness ensued - at one point we had up to 18 people at the house in 5 bedrooms and 5 baths. Luckily, we had one of those - a room dubbed the "dungeon" because of it's lower location and, well, it's status as a less than favorable room. But it was PERFECT for Baker, Triggy and I. Trig had his own little area and we hung a sheet between his bed and our bed so that he couldn't see us at night (which has disturbed him in the past). And, due to a VERY loud window air conditioning unit, Trig was able to nap while people were whooping it up right outside of our door in the canal. It really was a good time. So as soon as we got back from the vacation, it really hit that we were closing in a week! Lots to do!
Enjoy some pictures:
Trig's first haircut
Cozy Coupe with Granddad!
Swimming in my pool!
Hi Roxy!
With my cousins in Rockport
Swimming in the canal!
At a Corpus Christi Hooks game
Rockport group!
SO much fun with Uncle Pat
Triggy and JonParker lovin' on Momo
Triggy driving home from Rockport
All dressed up for the Resident Graduation!
You'll get all the answers and help you need from those experts. A friend of mine did the same thing and it gave her tremendous piece of mind and great tools to help her son. Hugs to you and your growing family!!
Kelly- you look FABULOUS!!! Trig is freaking adorbale! I know I dont write often, but I am following along-- i promise! I am beyond thrilled for you and Baker and I cant wait to hear about all the adventures with the new baby! Think of you often! hugs! M
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