And it's a big one. A big big one. Where do I start? Basically, Trig did not recover from his ear infection and did not seem to be doing better. I decided that if his nighttime wakings burning with fever didn't end by overnight Saturday night, I would call the pediatrician and see what to do. Well, we called the pediatrician on Sunday morning and of course, it wasn't his doc on call and this doc was basically like, it's your decision on whether or not to take him to the emergency room. She even said "I would hate for you to pay the copay, but we're not open and can't see him". Um, if I am worried about him enough to call on the weekend, do you think I am that worried about the copay? Ugh. Mind you I have NEVER called the pediatrician after hours.
So I decided that we would be going to the ER. Once there, Baker saw that a resident he knew was rotating there so he requested him. The guy was really nice and took great care of us! We were so appreciative. So we saw the attending who suggested a cat scan (!!!) and we were like whoa, isn't this going a little far? But we went with it. Good thing we did, because after it was over, the resident came in and said "Well, the CT told us what is wrong". My heart dropped. I was thinking brain tumor (though I know that had nothing to do with his symptoms but I was just thinking, he had a CT, what did they find??). Every sinus of his little head was infected. So Trig was admitted to the hospital immediately for IV antibiotics. He was such a trooper - he had to have an IV and sleep in the hospital and deal with all the poking and prodding. We stayed until Tuesday morning. He was released because he really was doing better, but according to our pediatrician, his ears were NOT looking better, though the ENT that we consulted did not think it was time to intervene. When I was holding little Trig waiting for Baker to bring the car around, I knew in my heart that we shouldn't be leaving the hospital but I thought I was being an overprotective mother and didn't say anything. That was a mistake I regret.
We went home and Trig just went downhill. He refused to eat, he slept 20+ hours per day, and was generally miserable when he was awake. Finally on Wednesday I took him back to the pediatrician who confirmed that his ears were no better and worried that he was getting dehydrated. She sent us for bloodwork. She called later that evening to say that the bloodwork showed that he was a bit dehydrated but not critical, so she suggested that we go and see the ENT the next day to see what he thought. Well, the ENT was still not interested in doing anything but changing his antibiotic and I was very frustrated. I seriously considered taking him directly to the emergency room. On the way home from that appointment, though, our wonderful pediatrician called and discussed everything with me at length. After a good long conversation, it was decided that he would be readmitted to the hospital for rehydration and bloodwork to figure out what is going on with this little boy.
So we were admitted on Thursday evening (after I let Trig take a good nap at home). He was immediately started on IV fluids after one serious battle to get an IV line in him. Many many people tried at many many IV sites but his little veins kept blowing. So, they eventually called the "transport team" to get the IV - yep, that's the helicopter team that has to start IVs on helicopters. Wow. We did finally get the IV in and at least they didn't have to resort to his legs or head for a site.
On Saturday, we met with another ENT who recommended steroids to help his ears. We were very pleased to hear of SOMETHING that might help, since the other ENT wasn't willing to do anything. So, when our original ENT came to check on Trig totally unannounced, it was a very awkward situation because he said he saw that the other doc had visited and wasn't sure why, blah blah blah and told the nurses to take the other doc off the case. weird. So when he left, we made it clear to the nurses that we DID want to keep the new ENT on the case. They were like, yeah, that's awkward, don't worry, we don't even have the authority to take him off the case! So weird. Sorry, dude, people get 2nd opinions, don't take it so personally!!!
Unfortunately, being in the hospital was hell on earth for all of us. Poor Trig became scared to death of the crib in the room and would scream every time we put him in it. We had to listen to him cry until he would fall asleep. He was just so scared of people coming in and poking at him, which happened a whole lot. They were always taking vitals and poor Trig didn't know the difference between that and the stuff that would be painful. I stayed with Trig every night on this little couch in the room and, for the most part, got up to help when they took vitals and changed diapers. I sent Baker home each night even though he protested - I thought it best that ONE of us get some sleep and I could just not bear the thought of leaving Trig. My thinking was that Baker would be more fresh during the day and I could lay down for a bit if I needed to. It was absolutely worth it to be there for Trig but I am TOTALLY exhausted and I need about 24 hours of straight sleep to recover, I think!
The longer we were in the hospital, the more hellish it got for little Trig. He became more and more scared and got to the point where he wouldn't stop screaming. Luckily, we were released this morning and Trig is much happier at home. The problem we're having right now is that he is scared to drink from the bottle - not sure if it's a fear thing or if it hurts to suck or what, but he is doing a little better now that he's home as opposed to the hospital.
So here we are, hoping and praying that Trig's ears continue to improve because otherwise, we are headed for tubes. He really is doing much better at home so I have a good deal of hope and have a much better feeling this time than last time we left the hospital!
We're over the biggest and scariest part, I hope, but if you're reading, we sure could use continued good thoughts and prayers for Trig to do better and better. Thanks! :)